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How it works?

Log in

In order to use the application it is necessary to have a registered account. You can register from the mobile app or from the web


Important: You can use load up to 20 horses in the app for free. To advise you on our premium plans you can communicate by whatsapp at +549 114 024 9755 or by mail at


List of horses


This section provides a list of all the equines you carry, with their Clinical Histories (events)


It is where the history of events (check-ups, sporting events, gynecological records, among others) that you have loaded into the system appears.


Here you will have a list of the reminders (checkups, vaccinations, treatments, etc.) that you have scheduled. The system will send you an automatic daily email with all the scheduled tasks for that day.


You can add a new horse with all its information (photo, name, owner, date of birth, pedigree, etc).


You can filter the list of horses to facilitate work with small groups.

Important: The application can be used without being connected to the Internet and automatically synchronizes with the web application

Detail of a horse

In the individual file of each horse you will find its own data.


By assigning a father and a mother the platform will link both horses. In this way the relatives will be linked to the system adding value and then filtering the list by descent and knowing all the children of a certain animal. You will be able to edit the animal's own data, add a “new event” to its medical history or a “new reminder”. All the registered information will be linked to the horse's file.

Inactive horses

You can edit a horse and mark it as inactive or sold for those that are third parties, that have been sold or have died.


You can assign one or more tags to each horse to assemble groups of horses and then apply filters to the list and work with different categories.

New event

You can use the different templates to load information in a practical way for any specialty: Gynecological Record, general exam, sports competitions, poise and more.


You can add supplies to each event. This will be saved in the event to indicate the treatment that horse received in that intervention, and will automatically impact the input report.


You can add fees to each event. This will be saved in the event and will automatically impact the collection report.

New reminder

You can organize your scheduled tasks with reminders. Each reminder is linked to the individual file of the horse and, in addition, the platform sends an automatic email on a daily basis with the list of all pending tasks for that day.

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The platform prepares automatic reports based on the information uploaded in the events. You can download them to an excel spreadsheet from the web app:

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Pregnancy report

Based on the information uploaded in the "services" type events, the platform draws up a complete list of all the mares that have received a service with the date and details thereof. Additionally, if you add an ultrasound control event to each mare, you can filter in the same list the mares that have been pregnant, whether the embryo was sexed or not, the probable date of delivery and more.

Embryo report:

From the information uploaded in the "embryo transfer" type events, the platform draws up a complete list of all the embryos transferred with the date and details of the stallion, the donor and particularities of the embryo. Additionally, if you add an ultrasound control event to each recipient, you can filter in the same list the mares that have been pregnant, whether or not the embryo was sexed with ultrasound, the probable date of delivery and more.

Collections report:

From the information uploaded in the events, the platform creates a list with all the fees to be billed each month. You can filter the list by owner to simplify the collection of each of your clients.

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Input Report:

From the information uploaded in the events, the platform creates a list with all the supplies used in each month. This will greatly simplify the replacement of the same and the collections, being able to filter the report to obtain, for example, all the inputs used in the horses of a certain owner in a range of dates.

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